3 Easy Ways To Stand Out on Pinterest

October 19, 2020

It’s no secret that in order to be successful on Pinterest, you need to stand out from the crowd. I guess this is true for most social media platforms right?

If you know me, you know that I’m a big believer in figuring out who your ideal client is and making sure your messaging is tailored to them. Before we jump into the 3 Easy Ways to Stand Out on Pinterest, be sure you are clear on who your ideal client is.

Not sure who that is yet? Grab my free Ideal Client Worksheet here! Now let’s jump in!

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1. Be Clear on Who You Serve

Now that you know who your ideal client is, it’s time to use those long tail keywords you picked on your Pinterest Profile!

Pinterest gives you so many opportunities to add keywords within your own unique profile so take advantage! Personally, I like to make it clear who I serve and what my service is on my Profile Name and Description.

You’ll be limited in how many characters you can have in both your Profile Name and Description so you may need to rework those a few times before getting it right.

Have writer’s block? Think of what your ideal client might be putting in that Pinterest Search Bar in order to find your content. Are you a photographer whose ideal client are couples who want an intimate backyard wedding and lots of twinkle lights? Try using long tail keywords like “backyard wedding ideas” or “twinkle lights decor”.

2. Add a Backdrop Photo (or video) of Your Best Work

The custom backdrop photo is a newer feature that Pinterest released. In the past, your profile backdrop would be a mix of all the recent images you pinned. Remember that?

Now, I encourage wedding pros to feature a single image of your BEST work. Perhaps its one of your most popular pins? Show your ideal client a sample of your work and make sure they can picture themselves in that image.

If you’re ready to step it up a notch, you can also upload an mp4 video as your backdrop! There’s no audio but it will loop continuously. I found this to be an amazing feature to show my potential clients the types of weddings we do and the emotions that come with it.

3. Only Pin Your Best Images

Quality over quantity is how Pinterest is going to be moving forward. This is true for any social media platform, really. I would rather you take your time creating 3 really great pins than to race through 20 mediocre ones.

Remember that not every pin will be a viral hit but I want to help you make quality pins. In order to do so, think about an image that will make your ideal client stop their scroll!

For some, that might mean adding some text overlay on your images to clearly tell your audience what that pin is about.

Do you have a photo that has been popular for a really long time? Try reusing it in a few different ways by adding a text overlay or maybe making a collage with it!

My most popular photo has been of this handsome groom in his navy blue suit. I decided to use Tailwind Create to put together dozens of new pins in under 1 minute!

I hope these tips to help you stand out on Pinterest were helpful. Feel free to comment with extra ideas or feedback! Ready to learn more? Check out my blog post about How to Use Pinterest Trends next!