How to Clean Up Your Pinterest Boards

October 26, 2020

I know I can’t be the only person who loves to organize my Pinterest. Or am I? Well, regardless of whether you like to clean up your Pinterest Boards or not, it’s something you’re going to need to do every so often.

What does it mean to clean up your Pinterest Boards?

Pinterest, as we know, is a visual search engine. We want to make sure that when our ideal clients land on our Pinterest profile, they can find exactly what they need.

For some of us that will mean getting rid of older non relevant boards and for others it might just mean changing a few board titles.

Brand new to Pinterest? Even better! Might as well start on the right foot and create your boards correctly. If your Pinterest account is still a personal account, be sure to switch it to a business one first. Learn how to Switch to a Pinterest Business Account here.

How many boards do I need?

For some long time Pinners, having 100 boards might work for them. However, if you’re just getting started, we recommend creating 10 boards.

Keep in mind these boards should be relevant and of good quality to your ideal client. What does that mean?

For example, if you’re a wedding cake designer, it wouldn’t make sense for you to have a board dedicated to Home Design, right? Your ideal client who came to your specific Pinterest profile to get more inspiration for their wedding cake, will be confused to see a board dedicated to your house projects.

Keep in mind, Pinterest and its uber smart algorithm will also know if you have boards that aren’t relevant. It will be scanning your content and will know if some pins or boards are talking about something completely unrelated to cake design.

Should I delete old boards?

There are two type of Pinterest educators out there: those who like to delete old boards and those who like to archive them. Just kidding, but kind of not.

I’m an archiver. I just don’t want to tempt fate by deleting a board that once had clicks and views on it. I chose to archive the boards that are no longer relevant to my audience.

For many of us wedding pros and creatives, we often start new Pinterest boards for new clients , right? That’s fine! However, eventually that client’s project or event will be completed and there’s no need for that board to live forever on your profile.

What should you do? Archive it!

How to freshen up your boards

Now that you’ve gotten rid of the content that won’t serve your audience, let’s optimize and freshen up your current boards, shall we?

Review your board titles

First off, how are your board titles looking? Do they have a bunch of symbols on them to make them look cute? Ditch that right now!

Remember, Pinterest is above all, a search engine. That means, if your ideal client types something in that search bar, you want to up your odds at getting found right?

In order to do that, you have to remove the cutesy symbols and words and replace them with super searchable keywords.

Instead of naming your board that is all about winter flowers “a dreamy winter wonderland”, try naming it something like “Winter Wedding Florals” or “Winter Wedding Flower Inspiration”.

Make it as easy as possible for your clients to find you!

Add board descriptions

Did you know that you can add board descriptions? Yes! I’m not talking about your titles or your actual pin descriptions here. I’m talking about a nice long description that tells your audience what they can expect to find in this board.

In order to add this, you’ll have to go to a board you already created and click the “pencil” simple. You’ll see the “pencil” when you hover your mouse over the board image.

Why should you care about adding board descriptions to begin with? Well, Pinterest is giving you another opportunity to add valuable keywords to your profile. The more content you add to Pinterest, the greater chance you have to getting users clicking on your pins.

Add a captivating board cover

As we well know, visuals are important on Pinterest. Having a captivating photo as your cover will encourage more users to click through.

I like to see what my most popular pin ends up being and then I make that my board cover. If you’re just starting, pick a photo that you know your ideal client will be amazed by.

Don’t stress over this too much. Pick a photo and if you want to change it later on, swap it out! No biggie.

There you go friends! It’s not too hard but it will take a little time to get through this task. Need more support or want to pass this off to a pro? Schedule a call with me and see how I can help!

P.S. If you’re a creative entrepreneur who has business tips to offer, join my free Tailwind Tribe to help boost your Pinterest traffic!