The 3 Most important Pinterest Analytics

July 2, 2020

Pinterest Analytics: which numbers actually matter?

I didn’t know until I got into Pinterest that I actually LOVE looking at numbers. I find great joy in seeing growth through analytics. I mean, numbers don’t lie! When it comes to making marketing decisions on Pinterest, I depend on my analytics. To make your life easier, I’m going to share with you the most important Pinterest Analytics that you should be paying attention to!

Monthly Viewers

Many Pinterest educators are going to tell you that Monthly Viewers are only a vanity number. They don’t think these are important numbers to look at when analyzing your analytics. While they definitely are not the MOST important data point, I like to say they are a confidence booster. Without Monthly Viewers, you’re not going to be getting any saves or clicks, right? The more viewers your Pinterest has, the more potential clicks you will get to your website!

Image Saves

It’s no surprise that getting your pin saved on Pinterest gets you points. What I’ve learned is that if a user saves your Pinterest image it’s for one of these reasons:

  • They found the image appealing (ex: wedding inspiration)
  • They want to try to make this one day (ex: recipe)
  • They find the topic interesting and will read it later (ex: SEO tips)

We definitely want users to save our pins because it tells us that we’re creating content and images that are eye-catching! A save or “re-pin” is also great for getting our content out to a web of other Pinterest users. If someone with a high Pinterest following saves our image, all of their followers will see our pin show up in their feed. Bingo! That being said, this is not necessarily the metric that is converting Pinners to paid clients.

Image Clicks

Jackpot! You know that one pin you have that is getting great views, a few saves but a ridiculous amount of clicks? That’s the one you should be examining. If a Pinner clicks your image it’s because they are ready to learn more, see more inspiration or, ideally, BUY FROM YOU! You’ve created a captivating image but your pin description hooked them so much so that the Pinner MUST go see what’s happening on your website right away. The most important thing here is that those highly-clicked pins link to a specific page on your website that showcases the product or service you’re showing in that pin. You never want to send the Pinner on a wild goose chase to find that image they just clicked on.

To sum things up, viewers, saves and clicks are all important Pinterest analytics to keep in mind.

But by far the most important one is the Clicks because you have the power to turn Pinners into paying customers if done right.

If you’re ready to dive in deeper to the Pinterest for business world, check out my blog on 5 Tips for an Optimized Pinterest Profile.